Think of meditation and you may envision calm, comfort, and stability. Yet, it can also seem daunting or old-fashioned. Enter yoga, bridging the gap and making meditation accessible to all.

where meditation begins, salon de yoga

I feel like the way the world views yoga continues to change. On Instagram feeds, you can see many people who are flawlessly doing yoga movements (asanas), and the number of guides who help with meditation by hitting singing bowls and gongs has also increased. This seems to mean that modern people have a growing desire to escape physical limitations, and time that provides peace of mind has become essential.

I think it is natural that people of different colours, like rainbows, practice with different preferences and expectations. I opened Salon de Yoga to share yoga and meditation, which I am good at and enjoy, with more people in this space. I need a space to sit quietly, do yoga, and meditate, so I believe there are people who are looking for a space like this.

What thoughts come to mind when you hear the word meditation? It can give a positive feeling by linking it with calm, comfort, and stability, but it can also feel difficult to approach by linking it with old-fashioned, difficult, special, boring, etc. This is where yoga can help.

At Salon de Yoga, we aim to systematically guide you from yoga, the meditation of the body, to direct meditation, which gradually develops the ability to observe the workings of the mind with clear consciousness.

As meditation deepens, we become able to contemplate the various elements of our lives and the various waves of emotion without being swept away. We can make peace with the life ahead of us. And this work shines brighter when we do it together.

For those who want to try meditation but don't know where to start, as a hard-working practitioner, I will do my best to help you get started. We want to be colleagues who support and contribute to each other's pursuit of life's wisdom.

See you at Salon de Yoga.

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